I will be playing a great deal of poker the first four mouths of the new year. I hope to increase my skills at live play, especially at no limit tables at the Oaks and Casino San Pablo. No limit is the most challenging game in poker, and because it's the most popular I feel I might be able to create an edge with it. We'll see. There are a lot of weak players at the Oaks. We'll see how much money I can make, if any.
I'm reading Dan Harrington's book on no limit cash games. It's very good, some great concepts and ideas. I'm enjoying it very much.
Over New Year's I stayed at Gwen's. I've been in Seattle since Dec. 23. I'm ready to go home and get to work. I've been eating non-stop since I arrived, so I feel quite bloated. 2009 will be an interesting year.
I'll have to think about my predictions for the year and my resolutions with poker. I'd like to carry out my goals through the end of the year. I have a lot to look forward to and a lot to learn. With the freedom I currently enjoy, it should be interesting to see how far I go this year with my projects and goals and schedules.